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Our bee yards are located in Russia, Republic of Mordovia.
The following plants have been used by our bees: Linden, Mint, Tutsan, Échium vulgáre, Willow Herb, Clover and Sunflower.
Our farm locate in Russia, Republic of Mordovia.

Pueden envasarse a gusto del cliente por envasador con licencia para manipular productos ecológicos.
Naranjas de diversas variedades
Limones de la variedad bernia
Todos ellos con la certificación ecológica

In recent years the Manfuso Company has produced organic tomato products to satisfy the increasing demand for healthy and uncontaminated foods for public and school canteens, supermarkets and shops.
All organic tomatoes are certified by the ICEA that checks the tomatoes at the harvest and during the canning process of the product.
Thanks to the collaboration of the ICEA that guarantees the quality of organic tomatoes and our traditional method of production, which we have used for generations, we make high quality preserves an essential part of the Mediterranean diet.
The Conserve Manfuso company produces peeled tomatoes, chopped tomatoes, mashed tomatoes, tomato paste and cherry tomato in different can sizes:
3.400 gr – 3.000 gr. – 1.000 gr. – 500 gr.
Moreover we have a regular demand for a typical and craftmade product that marks the family character of our company. We produce our tomatoes in glass jars of 520 gr.
Our excellence product is the Tomato King: we produce the famous San Marzano DOP tomatoes
Our motto is:“Eating Healthy Means Being Healthy” Sauce tomate Epicerie 2011-10-18

les prix en fonction du taux international (négociations ouverte). nous recherchons des clients/partenaires sur le long terme.
- conditionnement :fob
- quantite :conteneur 20 30 et 40 pieds

The supply of our organic ingredients is done via our extensive network around the globe. Our partners all over the world assure a hassle-free delivery of organic ingredients to our clients; we have a team of committed professionals that enable us to serve a broad spectrum of services to our customers conveniently. An association with Vantage Organic Foods will give you an access to the healthiest organic ingredients in addition to prompt and timely services.